中华正名学 发表于 2011-12-7 08:58:25


                                                                现在的西医就是如斯我年夜下载的一本叫做 the drug story(刚读了一两章就知道洛克菲勒等恶质的西药厂赞助知名年夜学,“做”数据) 的某一章的开首语
Chapter 2
"If you tell a lie big enough, and loud enough, and long
enough, and often enough, the people will believe it."
—Adolph Hitler(如不美观鬼话说得足够规模年夜,声音年夜,时刻长,经常地,人们就会相信————希特勒)
[Editor's Note:Have you ever    readthis quotein contextand
discovered that Adolf Hilter was using it to explain the standard
operating policy of the Rothschilde Family and their friends and
supporters,whoincludethe Rockefellers? Maybeyou    should
read Adolf Hitler's hateful little book. After all, aren't we told we
must “know our enemy?”]

再加良多中医(尤其学院派)学药的遵循着 温病-》治欠好病(温病可以学学,必在伤寒之后,温病只有外感有些辅助伤寒,其余就是遗毒)-》西医好-》中西连系(不知道西医经常治标害本)-》伪中医的 退变(不是蜕变)的路径。西医这种杀人的学问就在中国横行。
给外国当狗的人(一般外国还不要)请先读完the drug story再说行吗?


山人 发表于 2011-12-7 09:05:28



当代神医 发表于 2011-12-7 09:10:28


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查看完整版本: 谎话千遍,人们就信,西医如此骗的大众_中医吧_贴吧